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Showing posts from February, 2017

Homeschooling Mom and Author Frances Hoelsema

Today's Homeschool-Mom-Author is Frances Hoelsema...(FYI her book is on sale for only $2.99!) How long have you been homeschooling?  I’m in my third year of homeschooling. I started my oldest son with pre-school and am now doing first grade with him. Next year I will be starting pre-school with my youngest so it’ll be interesting to see how it goes with two of them. How long have you been writing?  I started writing in late 2012/early 2013 before I had my second child. I’ve always done small poems and things like that, but 2012/2013 was when I started writing my first novel. What gave you the writing bug?  Since high school I would imagine stories that I thought would be cool to read, but I never thought I could write a full-length novel myself. After getting the Kindle for Christmas one year and I began reading more and more and more, the nudge to write my own grew so loud that I could no longer ignore it. Do you remember the first story you w...

Homeschool Mom and Author is Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

Today's Homeschool Mom Author is Jenelle Leanne Schmidt... How long have you been homeschooling?  I have been homeschooling for four years now. However, this is the first year I’ve had two in school at the same time, so this year kind of feels like another first year! How long have you been writing?    Since as long as I could write. Seriously, I recently found a story I had written when I was seven years old about my little brother. It wasn’t very good, but it was kind of cute. What gave you the writing bug?  A myriad of things, I would say. My parents read a lot of books out loud to me all throughout my growing up years. My dad would read to us kids every night before bed, a tradition that I tried to stay a part of even after I could read to myself. It was that tradition that led to me writing my very first fantasy novel, as I wrote it one summer for my dad to read to my siblings. Also, my grandma was an author, and I grew up reading her book H...