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What People Say About My Books


All of us struggle from time to time with certain strongholds in our lives. "Belonging" is a moving story about a young woman, Shelly, who had a very distinct stronghold in her life. However, God used her father's devotional book, prayers of those few who knew and loved her, and circumstances to release the grip of her stronghold.

Written in a very easy to read style, Shelly's character is developed over time--from a shy, withdrawn, unsociable young lady blossoming into a spiritually growing woman who enjoys sharing her gifts with others. Stepping out of the comfort zone to move forward in Faith is hard for all of us. Shelly shows how this can be done in small steps while being obedient to God. Even though the book was written in an easy to read style, there are many lessons we can learn from "Belonging", including the blessings we can receive even while going through difficult circumstances. The story itself was simple and light, and lessons from Scripture were also used appropriately. This book was encouraging and uplifting.

I just finished reading "Belonging" ---excellent book written by Ruth O'Neil. Christian Fiction. I bought on Amazon for $1.99. Ruth sent me an email about the deal. Entertaining, well-written, and enjoyable. Thanks, Ruth well done!!

I enjoyed this story of Shelly who had been held captive most of her life by her shyness and being such an introvert. Through the tragedy of losing her father and other circumstances she was gradually able to come out of her shell. The story gives us all hope of overcoming problems in life if we are faithful to God and let Him help us. I liked how Shelly was able to still have the influence of her father through his devotional book to help her with all the decisions and choices she had to make. Everybody needs someone like another character, Professor Yates, in their life. A friend/mentor that they can confide in, be there for them and to help them over the bumps in life. "Belonging (What a Difference a Year Makes)" had twists and turns, like life, to make it an interesting read. I hope there is going to be a second book.

I found this story to be enjoyable, well-written, and easy to read. I'm a sucker for a good book, and I had a hard time finding a place to stop. I enjoy Christian fiction with a twist. The author did an excellent job of intertwining Scripture (life of Peter) into the young lady's devotional time. Comparisons to how God used Peter encouraged her to seek God in all things. After her father dies unexpectedly, she is left alone; alone to take care of all that remains after one loses a loved one. This would be hard on anyone, but being so extremely shy and self-conscious, it was more so for her. Read the book and see how God uses her God-given writing ability to step out and follow God's pathway for her life, and the blessings that come along.

A sweet story of discovery. Shelly discovers parts of herself she never knew, discovers new faith in God as she 'steps out of the boat', and finally, discovers a family she never knew she had. A little predictable in spots, it was still fun to read and had many little gems of wisdom. As a shy person myself, I could relate to Shelly's struggles to overcome her fears and anxiety when dealing with others. It was also a pleasant surprise to recognize the area where 'Belonging' takes place, right down the street.
I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a pleasant way to pass a few hours.

I found that I cried, laughed, learned and could relate, which to me means a good book. This story touches something deep inside.

An easy read, filled with nuggets that spoke to my heart. We can all learn a little something from the lessons Shelly encountered on her journey of discovery.

Come Eat at My Table

Ruth O'Neil's new release, Come Eat at My Table, is a delightful novel. The story tickles the heart with the sweet fragrance of humor and real life tales of sibling relationship, marriage, and a daughter's perspective of her mother. Ruth writes with a simple voice that slowly and gently warms you up to each character through daily life nuances. The lesson of forgiveness weaves in and out and culminates in a most surprising way; the last few chapters take an unexpected turn that makes your mouth drop! However, the overriding theme is hospitality at its best. Come Eat at My Table paints the picture of hospitality as love, as duty, as desire, and as healing. The main character, Karin, exudes the love of the Lord in all her interactions and reactions throughout the story. Her humble character is one to emulate. Anyone hoping for a clean story, easy to read, and full of hope and promise...then this is the next book to put in your hands!

This book captivated my heart and soul with the family dynamics and how they worked as a unit. Karin was a submissive wife, a loving mother and a devoted friend to all that needed her to listen to them. The girls were outgoing and sensitive at the same time to their family issues. And the dad was a supportive,loving,provider for the whole family.This book gave great insight for those who do not put their trust in Lord to really look at themselves and where their faith lies. It's also good for those who have a hard time forgiving others to look at themselves and see where they can improve in this area. It's a suspenseful book hard to put down waiting to see what happens next. A great book for all to read.

Any good story will have a message woven throughout that can apply to the reader and this book carries a strong message of the importance of forgiveness. The book illustrates not only how Christ commands his followers to forgive others, but it also lays out what happens inside a person if they harbor unforgiveness and bitterness.

Pros: As mentioned above, the strong message of forgiveness was a touching one. The characters were likeable, the story was simple, and there were a lot of drool-inducing foods described throughout. :) Maybe the next book by this author should be a cookbook to supplement sales? :)

Cons: I got a little confused while reading it as the entire book switched points of view constantly. One minute, Rob thought something, then Karin thought something, then one of the twins thought something, etc. It didn't take away from the charm of the story, but it did make me more aware that I was reading rather than just forgetting that I was reading and enjoying the story as it went.

At any rate, it was a book that will stick in my mind for awhile. Always a good attribute to any work of art. :)

I just finished reading Come Eat at My Table. I really enjoyed this book, the author developed the characters so well that you felt like you knew them personally. This was a book you don't want to put down until you finish it. It will make you laugh and make you cry. A great story about forgiveness and a picture of what a good marriage looks like with mystery and intrigue thrown in to entice you. I can hardly wait for the author's next book.

I always consider a book a great read when I find myself delving back into it after I have finished it.This is one of those books.It gives such a unique way of looking at one woman's relationship with God.Once you start reading,you won't be able to put it down.

A breath of fresh air is how I would describe this book. As I read, I identified with the problems of the family. I loved how the vulnerability of each character is exposed. Their growth through heartache and pain was so evident and the reality of life so refreshing. What better way to show God’s unending Mercy than in the midst of the dynamics of a typical family; a family unit that could symbolize any family who struggles with day to day secrets and tragedies. It is a must read!

Very easy read. I enjoyed this book.Very surprised at the ending. I won this book on Goodreads giveaway and would recommend it.

I thought I had an idea of what the story was going to be about, with the clues given in the beginning of the story, but I didn't expect what it really was about - wow! A moving story!

The reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is because it was a little slow at times, with the way it would jump from one character's thoughts to another - it's told with the narrator being omniscient which isn't something I like unless it's done well.

Overall a nice story with a touching message. I would recommend it.


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