Intentional Intentional is one of those ideas that we have to… well… be intentional about. We have to think about something and do it on purpose. Most of our lives are made up of instinct or habit. The good news is that we can make "intentional" a habit. It just takes a little practice. I once read somewhere that to develop a habit we need to do something for 21 days straight. Sometimes I think it takes longer than that. It certainly takes much less time to ruin what we are trying to do. One of the times in my life that I recall being intentional was when I saw this boy I thought was cute. I didn't exactly throw myself at him or do anything wrong, but if my mom had seen my actions, I'm pretty sure she would not have been happy with me. But whether my actions were right, wrong, or somewhere in the middle, they were intentional and they worked. I caught that boy's attention and have kept it now for 33 years. If being "intentional" is ...