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God At Work

No matter how long I live, seeing God at work in my life will never cease to amaze me.
Years ago, (I’m not quite sure how many, but it’s been a lot!) I met this sweet, young woman at work. After Katie and I got to know each other we realized we had a lot in common – except for our taste in baseball teams. I like the Yankees, she prefers the Red Sox (Bummer! This is her only flaw as far as I know.) We both grew up in “the north.” We enjoyed walking and would often go walking after work.
Eventually, Katie went back home to Maine and we lost touch – that was before the days of Facebook.)

Then, several years later, my husband started talking about a new lady at his work, whose name was also Katie. Only when I met “his” Katie at the company Christmas party, did I realize who she was. Yes, she had gotten married (after she began working for the same company as my husband) so her last name changed. But, she had been to our house for dinner when she and I worked together. My husband’s response, “I thought she looked familiar.”

Fast forward a couple more years. Katie and I are forever (hopefully) in touch with the wonders of the Internet. Now, she’s a photographer and guess what I needed…

Behold – my book cover – thanks to Katie and her talent!

Be sure to go over and “like” her Facebook page. While you’re there, take a look at some of her photos and book a session with her. Her sweet smile will make your day, I promise.

Back to where I began this blog post. God put Katie in my life long before I ever realized our talents could work together to create something beautiful and God-honoring.

I love it when I can look back over my life and connect those God-dots!

Click on the book cover to go to Amazon to purchase the book. Don't forget to leave your review to be entered in the Kindle giveaway contest.

Quote from Belonging:

Shelly tried to protest by pulling away, but Professor Yates wouldn't let her. "Take as much time as you need, but make sure you allow God room to work. And don't worry. Your move doesn't mean the end to our relationship. I'll always be here for you whenever you need me for anything."


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