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Homeschool Raised and Author Faith Blum

Today's homeschool author is from the other side of homeschooling...a student, Faith Blum. It's great to have you here, Faith!

I’m excited to be here. Thank you for offering this series of author interviews for homeschooling or homeschooled authors.

Some people reading this may not know you, so list three or four things about yourself to help them get a feeling for your personality. 

1.      I’m much more outgoing online than I am in person. Although, if you get me talking on the correct topic, I can talk quite a bit.
2.      I live at home with my parents and siblings
3.      I am the oldest of four, but there are 20 years between me and my little brother. Yes, he was a bit of a surprise.

How long does it take you to write a book?

That really depends on the book. My fifth novel, The Solid Rock took me 32 days to write the rough draft in July 1-August 1, edited in December through January, and then it was published on March 26, 2016. That was the fastest it’s ever gone for me though, unless the story was a novella or short story. Usually it takes longer. For example, my current WIP took me a couple months this spring to finish the rough draft and I’m taking a little more time to edit it than I did with The Solid Rock

Do you tell people much about your works in progress until the first draft is complete?

It depends on the work. Sometimes I talk about it and sometimes I don’t. There isn’t much rhyme or reason to it.

How did you feel when you got your first fan mail?

Thrilled, excited, and very encouraged. I don’t remember what it was actually, but I do know that any time I get fan mail, I am quite encouraged.

If you become well known someday, do you welcome fame or dread it?

Considering the blatant Christianity I put in my books, I doubt I’ll ever become incredibly well-known. That being said, I would dread it. I’m a very private person so having a lot of attention is difficult for me.

You self-publish – why?

*does best evil villain impression* I like ze control! It is all-consuming and gives me all my desires.
Ahem! Sorry about that, my inner evil personality just got loose. Truthfully, though, being able to write what I want rather than what is demanded of me, have the final word on covers, formatting, and content, and all of that really is one reason I chose to self-publish.

As I mentioned in the last question, I’m quite blatant and unapologetic about the Christianity I put in my books, and even most Christian publishers would probably want something more or less in them. For instance, the romance I have in my books is very light. Married couples do kiss, but it is said that way, not described in every juicy detail and that’s as far as it goes. I have read some Christian Romances that describe a LOT more.

It is my personal conviction that some of those details don’t need to be in the books. That being said, it is truly just MY personal conviction. If you are okay with reading and/or writing something else, that is fine.

Will you ever submit a book to a publisher, or stick with self-publishing?

I like self-publishing, so I’m going to stick with it.

Contact and follow Faith
Twitter: @Faith_Blum


  1. Thank you for posting this interview, Ruth!

  2. Faith is an amazing young woman and a tremendous example of the benefits of home schooling.


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