Sometimes as a mom it's hard to feel valuable. It's often a
thankless job. Nobody sees even half of what you do. Work is often paid for
with a screaming baby, a temper tantrum throwing toddler, a temperamental
teenager, and a husband who just wants his dinner. I once read an article that
said stay-at-home moms "should" be earning $162,581 a year. Where are
my mom friends who see that in their bank account?

You know something? Our mom value is not in money. Being a
mom is the highest calling God gave to women, not climbing the corporate
ladder. I am not dissing moms who work outside the home. Each one has to make
choices as to what is best for her family. This is for all those who choose to
stay at home, those who sometimes feel value less.
Our value was in the little lives you are molding each day. Your payment is all the sticky, syrupy kisses and the I love yous from the
lips of those to whom you gave life.
Our value is raising children who become moral, productive
members of society. Our payment is seeing those little people grow up and
Our value is knowing that we have done what God called us to
do. Your payment is hearing the prayers of children as they pray and accept
Christ as their Savior.
Our value is the part we played in helping our children grow
to have a relationship with Christ and want to share that relationship with
others so they can have the same. Our reward is…??? I can't answer that. Our
reward will come when we stand before God. While I have no idea what that
reward will be, I have a feeling it will be worth paying more than $162,581.
Don't ever forget, fellow Mama, you are VALUABLE.
GOD First
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this! This was totally my mom raising my three brothers and I! I will tell her this.
Raising kids is hard enough when there's two parents. I can't imagine doing it by myself. Your mom must be an amazing woman!