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Rice Pilaf

You might think this is going to be another food blog, but it isn't. Well, sort of, but not really. Rice pilaf. It's such a little thing. Yet, it's such a big thing. You see, last year I fixed a meal for an older couple at our church. The wife was undergoing chemotherapy and several of us were taking them meals. I made grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, and rice pilaf. An hour after I dropped that meal off, I received a phone call from the husband.

"That was the best meal anyone's ever cooked for us. Especially that rice pilaf. That's my favorite."

It made me happy to think that such a simple little thing could make someone's day.

Recently, after a time of remission, the wife's cancer came back.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked the husband when I saw him.

"Are you making rice pilaf anytime soon?"

I laughed. "When do you want some?"

"Saturday night?"

"You got it."

After the second rice pilaf (with grilled teriyaki pork chops and corn) delivery, I got a text. I'm not posting that because it's a little embarrassing with his over the top praise.

My whole point is that during these times of difficulty, look for the little things you can do for someone. Does an elderly neighbor who is afraid to go out need groceries? Deliver flowers to a shut-in. Take your kids to visit with someone who is not able to leave the house. (Little kids are great for lifting people's spirits!) Drop off homemade cookies or cake to a friend. Send handwritten cards to long distance friends and relatives. Find that little thing that you can do to show you miss someone or are thinking about them even during these times of social distancing.

Don’t stay holed up in your house. Get out there and do some small thing for another person. It will improve their day and yours.


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