When I hear this song it makes me want to move. Unfortunately I’m a fairly reserved person. Once in a while you may see my hand or my foot tapping, but that’s about it. However, just because you don’t see me moving physically, doesn’t mean my heart isn’t moved. I think that’s something that’s lacking in Christianity today. We don’t move physically, mentally or emotionally. I don’t really understand that, especially when there are songs like this being sung on a daily basis. I’m posting this version of the song in honor of my deaf friends/interpreters. There is a woman who attends my church that is an interpreter for the deaf. I often see her signing the words to songs we are singing. She feels the need to move. I have a couple of friends who are deaf. They often move when it comes to worship, simply because that’s the way they express themselves. When we worship, we should feel the need to move and I don’t just mean by dancing or clapping. We should feel the need to reach out to thos...